Requests and inquiries, either through email or fb or messenger are completely 'ignored', and that is deliberately done so, which only infuriates users, never to go back to their business again. I am one of them now, after buying vocalizer pro which crashes Reason 10.4 when using the chord map functionality (loading maps or using the pads).
Sonivox Vocalizer Vst Download
Unable to review because unable to obtain the software. Request trial version as first step toward implementing registration; they send a link to download at some random time after the request - BUT the link is good only for one hour AND they apparently limit sending one link per email address, used or not (although each time says incorrectly "we have just sent a link...".). I have gone through several emai addresses and am still unable to obtain any software, despite also writing to the company twice with no reply. I would advise doing business with this firm only if you live next door and can get the software directly on a thumb drive - if they even actually have a physical address.
That's odd, because the SONiVOX install directions that I have used previously first pointed me directly to the iLok website to register for an account, download the latest iLok software, and then activating the new license on my machine via iLok. That was all before downloading and running any SONiVOX installer.
Wouldn't it be simpler to just download the latest iLok driver/software. Then, after step 1, simply install that over the top of the older installation.That, theoretically, should save the steps 2 to 4 ? - (Including the dreaded registry edit)